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La aviación todoterreno esta aquí y para muestra el fabricante francés "LISA Airplanes" recientemente presentó su espectacular avión "AKOYA", con el claro objetivo de ofrecer un producto totalmente diferente en el mercado de aviones ligeros, que combinara a la perfección alto rendimiento, confort, diseño, ahorro de energía y máxima libertad.

"LISA Airplanes" ha elegido la clasificación de ultraligero, básicamente por la libertad y comodidad que ofrece a los pilotos, los cuales al mismo tiempo se benefician por las innovaciones tecnológicas que ofrece.

"AKOYA" concentra numerosas ventajas que lo hacen diferente de cualquier otro avión, como la facultad de despegar y aterrizar en tierra, agua y nieve con la misma facilidad.

Está compuesto en su totalidad por materiales y aleaciones aeronáuticas metálicas, que al conjuntarlas con líneas finas, ofrecen un peso ligero y rendimiento aerodinámico sobresaliente.


All Terrain Aviation is here, the French manufacturer "Lisa Airplanes" recently introduced its spectacular plane "AKOYA" with the aim to offer a totally different product on the market for light aircraft, combining high performance, comfort, design and energy savings while providing maximum freedom.

LISA Airplanes has chosen the ultralight classification for freedom and comfort of pilots, allowing them to benefit from many technological innovations. Yet it claims a special place, justified by the versatility, performance and comfort of AKOYA which are far superior to other ultra-light aircraft.

AKOYA concentrates many assets which make it different from any other aircraft. Recognizable by its design, AKOYA is a unique mean of transport. It can take off and land on land, water and snow with the same ease. This is the Multi- Access Concept. Entirely made of composite materials and aeronautics metallic alloys, the fine lines of AKOYA and its light weight offer better aerodynamics performance.


All Terrain Aviation is here, the French manufacturer "Lisa Airplanes" recently introduced its spectacular plane "AKOYA" with the aim to offer a totally different product on the market for light aircraft, combining high performance, comfort, design and energy savings while providing maximum freedom.

LISA Airplanes has chosen the ultralight classification for freedom and comfort of pilots, allowing them to benefit from many technological innovations. Yet it claims a special place, justified by the versatility, performance and comfort of AKOYA which are far superior to other ultra-light aircraft.

AKOYA concentrates many assets which make it different from any other aircraft. Recognizable by its design, AKOYA is a unique mean of transport. It can take off and land on
land, water and snow with the same ease. This is the Multi- Access Concept. Entirely made of composite materials and aeronautics metallic alloys, the fine lines of AKOYA and its light weight offer better aerodynamics performance.

IMÁGENES: Cortesía de LISA Airplanes

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